
I’m not sure what the future holds for tardis sounds.  It’s been suspended.

“what about my purchases,  what about updates?!?! ”

As long as you have tardis sounds installed it will remain on your device.  Gold Tardis, Tardis Guide and Adremoval will still work until some future date. When/if that changes, please contact support and I will see about getting you a private version for you to keep.

I’m still working on a response and will have an open letter out later.


Open Letter to the BBC and Tardis Sounds fans.

First to the fans: Thank you for your support. Tardis Sounds was to celebrate it’s 3rd birthday this May, alas that won’t happen now except in memory. It’s been fun inserting new and fun things into the game and actually changing what started as a simple 1 room soundboard, into a magical carpet ride of sorts, an actual game: being able to steer the beloved Tardis around down a time corridor, as well as a hide and seek sort of game, containing many other wonderful secrets and explorations.

To the BBC: I’m sorry if I offended you and appeared to impersonate you or your “Intellectual Property”. I never meant to “impersonate” anyone, nor exterminate. If I knew how to apply for an official license I would, though at the moment I am near homelessness (yes I mean that truly). I didn’t realize putting the theme for the different Doctors would be construed as a copyright issue. (which is what you seem to be most upset at?)  In truth, I think I brought more to the Doctor Who experience, as most licensed works I’ve seen or played are not worth playing, not what we as fans want to play, or are gimmicky reproductions of old game concepts (specifically doing the wires in the Tardis console.. what on earth was that?!!? Pipes?!) which I feel insults us as gamers. I simply wanted us Whovians to have an app that was deliberately FUN to play with, not a chore to have fun. Does that make sense?

To all: What I was trying to offer users was what we (and when I say we I mean “I” ) really have wanted for many years: Steer the Tardis; Venture in and explore the different rooms of the Tardis. Period. No one has offered that to us that I have seen, and so I took that challenge as I was able. The game has always been free. Always. The additions that I put in have not been free, additions such as “How do I use my phone? I’m going to complain and ask tons of questions that are pointless that I could solve myself” “Oh, ok, then you need The Tardis Sounds Guide.”… ; I need a Tardis that goes “Bling!” well here you go then, “Gold Tardis” .. while I’m at it – Bling – Onyx (Didn’t want to sound racist and say “black Tardis”) .. and later Red, White and I think I did grey? was going to add more colors but ran out of time. ; and lastly, something that was asked for – “Ad Removal”.

So somehow this free game became a non-free game and some of the ads, served by Google themselves, (who I draw in complicit in this) seem to show “Your phone is infected” ads that trick people into panicking and thinking their phones have viruses.

So where do we go from here? Tardis Sounds has been suspended from the Google Play store, and appropriately I believe, Tardis Tunnel has had it’s name changed and gameplay altered – no more music in it and purchases are no longer available in it. Both games will still honor purchases as long as you have them installed on your phone. From here out though, I don’t know what’s fair to do.

There’s no way I can ever refund the purchases – I’d literally have to declare bankruptcy. I have $0.39 US in my account (yes that reads 39 cents). I live in a home that is being foreclosed on (and not even my home) and where I go after that is likely back into my car. I have not been able to keep a job since I lost my business in 2011. So yes, your contributions to Tardis Sounds have kept a homeless man off the streets.

As far as a final update, I’m waiting to see if I will be allowed to make an update to the existing store for Tardis Sounds or if it’s done – Google hasn’t yet replied. I can make an updated version sans music, disclaimers and with amended graphics to sate the BBC.  Failing that I don’t want to risk my other games being deleted and the chance to continue to make other better, greater, more popular games, so I cannot “just re-upload Tardis Sounds as a new game” that and none of the purchases would work as it would be a new game. SOO.. if there is an update it will be provided here. I will consider providing links to a free personal unlocked copy of Tardis Sounds to store on your phone on a case by case basis, if you contact me at the support email.

Thanks again for enjoying Tardis Sounds. Any questions or concerns, please use the support email.

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